WanKwai: Chinese cuisine to cook at home

To the products

Far Eastern Cooking with Wan Kwai

Founded by Franz Hönekopp in 1958 as an import company for Asian food, Wan Kwai is now managed by the third generation, Bianca Hönekopp. Franz Hönekopp KG carried out pioneering work in Germany, first by introducing the Indonesian rice table and later - with an ever-increasing range from East Asia - Chinese food to cook at home. The concept has endured to this very day, as Far Eastern cuisine continues to rise in popularity and still holds many secrets to be discovered. Importhaus Wilms took over the distribution of Wan Kwai in 2012 and has been working with Hönekopp ever since to expand and improve the range. Franz Hönekopp KG attaches great importance to product quality and is in constant contact with its suppliers, some of which have been by their side for decades.


Chinese New Year 2014

The most important holiday in the Asian region is Chinese New Year, which is a true culinary firework. Whether spring rolls or Nian Gao (sweet rice cakes), from fish to delicious noodle dishes: exotic creations spoil the palate over the course of 15 days. But the menu isn’t just selected by taste alone - the chosen dishes and rites have a reputation for driving away evil spirits and bringing good luck for the New Year. To mark the occasion, delicatessen brand Wan Kwai once again offered a variety of new products for all fans of Far Eastern cuisine. The current range includes sauces, spices, and vegetables as well as many authentic and high-quality Asian specialities. Furthermore, eye-catching displays at the POS not only appeal to new customers, but also increase the number of trial purchases.

Attention-Grabbing Displays and Far Eastern Tastings

Importhaus Wilms has been the exclusive distributor of the high-quality Asian brand since 2012, demonstrating a keen flair for trends and themes in Far Eastern cuisine with its sophisticated product range. This flair was also shown by the two companies in the design of displays. In keeping with the Chinese New Year 2014, the new POS displays are original, eye-catching, and unusual. They present selected specialities and are each accompanied by exotic recipes for consumers to try out. The promotion is further reinforced by tastings at the POS, allowing customers to directly experience and enjoy Wan Kwai on site. Additional secondary placements ensure strong additional sales for retailers as well as an increase in the product turnover rates in food retail.

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Markus Krick
Business Development