The Wan Kwai brand
Since its launch in 1958, Wan Kwai has pioneered and popularised Asian cuisine in Germany. As Germany's oldest Asian brand, it has found a firm place in the hearts of consumers.
Since 2020, the brand has been in the hands of Zertus GmbH, which has been developing a new strategy since 2021 with a comprehensive overhaul of the product range and in-depth market research.
In 2023, the ‘new’ Wan Kwai was introduced - a modern and innovative collection of products that make Asian cooking effortless. With this new direction, Wan Kwai remains a leading force in the German Asian culinary landscape.

Wan Kwai brings Asian lightness into your home.
Wan Kwai brings the lightness of Asian cuisine directly to your home. Our aim is to bring joy and enjoyment back to the dining table. With our typical Asian serenity and simple dishes, we show that delicious, modern and fresh Asian cuisine is child's play to prepare.
In all our recipes, we place particular emphasis on excellent flavour and use ingredients that are as pure as possible. We avoid flavour enhancers and palm oil to ensure that our dishes are not only delicious but also healthy.
Enjoy the flavour of life with Wan Kwai!

Eye-catching display structures
Importhaus Wilms has been the exclusive distributor of the high-quality Asian brand's products since 2012 and demonstrates a deep understanding of trends and themes in Far Eastern cuisine with its sophisticated range.
Particularly noteworthy is its innovative display design, which attracts attention at the point of sale (POS). The new displays have an eye-catching design and put the spotlight on the most popular Asian products. Thanks to clear sorting and labelling according to the favourite Asian dishes, customers know immediately which products they need to prepare.
In addition, the displays present trendy Asian recipes to inspire consumers. The promotion is reinforced by on-site tastings, allowing customers to experience and savour Wan Kwai directly. Additional secondary placements not only ensure additional sales in the retail trade, but also an increased turnover rate in the food retail trade (LEH). With this well thought-out strategy, Wan Kwai will continue to be successfully presented on the market.
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